Как улучшить wi-fi соединение?

6) Solarwinds WiFi Network Analyzer

One of the things that Solarwinds WiFi Analyzer prides itself on is that it can quickly detect and resolve any WiFi issues that you might be having without you needing to stress over it.

In fact, it boasts a customizable dashboard, allowing you to pick and choose which settings are the most important to you.

You can also monitor other wireless networks, check their parameters (such as security settings, channels etc) and manage them in a business setting, making it another program better suited for business use, rather than home use.

This program offers a free trial for 30 days before you need to consider paying money for it, so there is plenty of time to see how useful it can be.

The specific WiFi Network Analyzer is a module of the well-known and mature Network Performance Monitor (NPM) tool from Solarwinds which is one of the most popular Network Management applications out there.

The disadvantage of this tool is that you have to pay for it after the initial 30-day trial.

Зачем нужны вай фай анализаторы каналов

Необходим этот класс инструментов для наблюдения взаимного влияния радиоустройств сантиметрового диапазона, которым является любое оборудование, умеющее wi-fi, или говоря простым языком для того, чтобы видеть в realtime не только кто виноват, но и что делать, для восстановления устойчивой связи в смысле куда и как валить, ага эдакий трактор поросенка Петра.

Анализ wi-fi распространенная и необходимая задача при настройке, диагностике, восстановлении и взломе сети. Естественно, в зависимости от задачи, аспекты анализа различны, если при настройке и диагностике более интересны физические свойства канала (частота, влияние полей, занятость канала), то при взломе больше внимания уделяется логике (защита, шифрование и.т. д.).

Да и терпеть на любимом планшетике, рвущийся один мегабит, когда можно сделать пару шагов по комнате к пяти полоскам… вот для того, чтобы знать куда шагать как раз и нужен анализ.
Устойчивость соединения зависит от многих трудно вычисляемых факторов: взаимного расположения устройств, влияния близких частот и даже состояния поверхности. Это всё практически нельзя рассчитать, но можно посмотреть в реальном времени и выбрать частоту и положение, в котором минимум негативного влияния. Поскольку от устойчивости соединения зависит его скорость.

Why use a WiFi Analyzer?

The main reason why you need a WiFi analyzer is to maintain your connection quality. WiFi signals are in a constant state of fluctuation. Your WiFi connection can be performing well until something in the network changes and starts to impede its performance.

Troubleshooting WiFi issues

Troubleshooting a problem requires data collection and analysis. Without the source information on the normal operations of your network and the current behavior of the troubled system, your solution will be mere guesswork.

When your WiFi starts to slow down or disconnect, a WiFi analyzer will help you to identify the problem. By diagnosing the problem and addressing it, you ensure your connection stays up and running with minimal interference. A WiFi analyzer enables you to run diagnostics on what is happening with your connection and provides you with the information needed to optimize your network.

For example, if your signal distribution around the house is poor, you’ll be able to use an analyzer to find this information out. That being said, WiFi analyzers can be used for much more than troubleshooting your signal distribution. You can use a WiFi analyzer to locate and use a less congested channel.

Sharing the same WiFi Channel with Neighboring WiFi networks

Sharing the same channel with nearby devices results in low connection speeds, interference, and disconnection. It’s not uncommon for channels to be shared amongst your neighbors (particularly if you live in an apartment). This is one of the most common reasons for poor connectivity and can be rectified via the use of a quality WiFi analyzer.

Using a WiFi analyzer can help improve your user experience, speed up browsing, and eliminate the hassle of trying to guess what factors are impeding your connection quality while troubleshooting. After all, it’s almost impossible to optimize your network if you lack the tools to be able to see what’s going on.

Откуда скачать программу?

Анализатор вай фай предоставляется бесплатно, и найти ее в интернете не составляет большого труда.

На Windows 10 официальным источником для скачивания является сайт Microsoft. Она бесплатна.

Особенностью или даже проблемой для этого способа является то, что для успешного результата при скачивании, необходимо иметь windows не ниже десятой версии. Если она не такая, а приложение необходимо. Придется произвести обновление. Если этого не сделать, скачивание будет просто невозможно.

Конечно, можно установить какую либо альтернативу, например, inSSIDer (она платная), или Acrylic WiFi Professional. Это уже выбор пользователя.

При запуске проверки сети на компьютере, будет выведено сообщение, которое подскажет, какая из них является оптимальным вариантом для данного района. Выглядит это так:

На экране телефона, на базе андроид, информация подана примерно в одинаковом виде.

Утилитавай фай анализер предназначена для установки на виндовс десятой серии выпуска. Имея на своем компьютере, планшете или ноутбуке, другую версию программного обеспечения, установка будет невозможна.

Если вам уж очень необходимо данное приложение, нужно будет произвести обновление для windows или же воспользоваться каким-то из аналогов программы.

Для произведения таких настроек, необходимо перейти во вкладку программы, под названием «Analyze». Здесь будут отображаться показатели качества канала разного типа.

Обозначения расшифровуются так:

  • Wi-Fi показатели разных пользователей, которые живут в близлежащем диапазоне.
  • Сила, с которой работает аппарат каждого из них.
  • Сами каналы.

По данным такой таблицы сложно понять, где находится самое большое количество точек доступа, и подобрать наилучший вариант.

Но это не самый понятный для обывателей вариант. Намного удобнее будет, если привести в действие параметр SSID.

Тогда каждая линия подписана определенным именем, что упрощает работу с ней.

Приложение очень удобно еще тоем, что не только проводит анализ, но и выводит на экран результат в виде таблицы с рейтингом каналов, которые наилучшим образом подойдут для вашего устройства.

Что делать, если качество сигнала, после настроек, не улучшилось?

Если после того, как все параметры выставлены, а подаваемый интернет все еще оставляет желать лучшего, нужно проверит следующие моменты:

  • Попробуйте разместить свой маршрутизатор подальше от стены.
    Это поможет убрать те помехи, которые исходят от чужих устройств. Причем эти перебои не обязательно исходят от другого роутера. Их причиной может быть любая техника.
  • Перемещайте аппарат по квартире до того момента, пока не будет обнаружено наилучшее место с наиболее качественным сигналом
    , а соответственно и скоростью Wi-Fi.

8) PRTG WiFi Analyzer

Similar to Solarwinds above, PRTG is another commercial tool that is mostly suited for professional use in business environments.

PRTG has several functions that you might find useful if you are trying to keep an eye on the network you are responsible to operate and manage.

For instance, you can monitor your devices status, seeing both the up and downtime that it has so that you can determine if your WiFi connectivity is available.

It can also inform you about the network load and when it is getting too high, so that you can make sure you aren’t downloading anything important when the network is strained.

Another thing that PRTG can offer is showing how much traffic goes through both your regular network and your wireless one.

What does a WiFi analyzer do?

When it comes to WiFi, signal fluctuation is incredibly common. The reason is that your WiFi signal strength is constantly changing due to external conditions. Some days you’ll be able to browse without disconnecting, and others you’ll be in a battle just to stay online. T

his is made even more difficult if you don’t have the tools to diagnose the problem. This is where a WiFi analyzer app can be useful.

A WiFi analyzer tool generates a visual display of the network data of your surrounding channels. The app turns your computer or mobile device into an analytics program that allows you to identify what you need to do to optimize your network.

For example, with a WiFi analyzer app like Microsoft WiFi Analyzer, you can look at other channels on your network and identify if they are faster than your current channel. Some providers will even allow you to draw up heat maps of signal distribution in your house or office to help you find the best location for your router.

Here is our list of the 8 best WiFi analyzers and WiFi Signal Strength Apps for Windows:

  1. SolarWinds WiFi Analysis with NPM EDITOR’S CHOICE – Part of the Network Performance Monitor that runs on Windows Server, this tool shows a live list of WiFi endpoint statuses and generates an amazing wireless signal heat map. Evaluate on a 30-day free trial.
  2. NetSpot – Built for Windows and Mac OS, this wireless monitoring system includes autodiscovery and live performance maps.
  3. Acrylic Wi-Fi – A WiFi analyzer for Windows that is free for home use, but business customers have to pay.
  4. InSSIDer – A competitively priced easy-to-use wireless traffic analyzer.
  5. WiFi Analyzer – A Microsoft product to analyze wireless networks that is available in both free and paid versions.
  6. Vistumber – A nifty free WiFi analyzer that can overlay signal footprints on a Google map.
  7. Wireshark – A very well-known wireless packet sniffer that aids hackers and system administrators alike.
  8. Paessler PRTG – The PRTG system covers wireless networks and includes alerts and capacity reports for WiFi.

Here is our list of the 5 best WiFi analyzers and WiFi Signal Strength Apps for macOS:

  1. Netspot – A WiFi analyzer for Mac OS that includes a heat map facility and an interference assessor.
  2. WiFi Explorer – A mid-level WiFi analyzer for Macs that includes signal strength indicators and noise measurements.
  3. WiFi Scanner – A WiFi scanner for Mac OS that is suitable for both business and home users.
  4. iSumbler for Mac – A WiFi analyzer for Mac OS that also tracks Bluetooth and Bonjour signals.
  5. KisMAC2 – A WiFi analyzer for Mac OS that includes metrics for Apple Airport Extreme.

Here is our list of the 3 best WiFi analyzers and WiFi Signal Strength Apps for Linux:

  1. Kismet – A free WiFi analyzer for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS that can be extended by plugins.
  2. wavemon – A free WiFi analyzer for Linux that is available from GitHub.
  3. Sparrow-WiFi Analyzer – A WiFi analyzer for Linux that tracks Bluetooth as well and can also employ GPS.

Here is our list of the 3 best WiFi analyzer and WiFi Signal Strength Apps for Android:

  1. WiFi Analyzer – A widely-used WiFi analyzing app for Android.
  2. OpenSignal – A WiFi and phone signal analyzer for Android that includes geographical maps with signals imposed.
  3. WiFi Monitor – A WiFi analyzer for Android produced by Microsoft.

Here is our list of the 2 best WiFi analyzer and WiFi Signal Strength Apps apps for iOS:

  1. Network Analyzer – A WiFi monitor for iOS in both free and paid versions.
  2. Master Network Analyzer Pro – A WiFi device detector for iOS that includes performance management analytics.

Анализатор для Андроид

После загрузки программы, никаких проблем с ней не возникает. Для начала работы, достаточно ее просто запустить. Будет начата проверка по доступным вариантам сети и вывод полученных результатов на экран.

Эта утилитадля мобильного телефона наиболее понятна и приемлема. Еще, ее преимуществом есть то, что практически не требует свободного места в памяти.

После проведения анализа, появится информация, насколько активно применяют ту или иную сеть на данной территории.

Как часто функционирует маршрутизатор. Вся эта история будет отображена во вкладках «свойства» и «каналы».

Если ваши параметры будут схожи с примером, то это означает, что используемому телефону не препятствуют ни одна из доступных сетей. Ведь они практически не пересекаются друг с другом.

Так же, можно узнать информацию о том, насколько силен тот или иной сигнал.

Для этого нужно попасть в «Свойствах» в закладку «Каналы». Рейтинг показателей будет отображаться в виде звездочек.

Хотя такое приложение и не займет много места в памяти телефона, по окончанию проведения проверки, его можно попросту удалить, а при необходимости, скачать заново. Это не займет много времени.

На версии для телефона, так же присутствует закладка со спидометром, которая отвечает за частоту сигнала. Такая функция очень удобна.

Для выбора лучшего по качеству — пользователю нужно передвигаться по территории и обращать внимание на показатели стрелки. Когда она окажется на самом высоком своем месте – ваша работа по поиску выполнена

Когда она окажется на самом высоком своем месте – ваша работа по поиску выполнена.

Так же как и в версии для персонального компьютера, можно включить звуковое оформление для этой страницы.

Тогда с тем, как увеличивается качество, будет усиливаться и выдаваемый звук в устройстве.

Привет! В этом обзоре поговорим о существующих Wi-Fi сканерах сетей и об одноименном приложении Wi-Fi Scanner. Специально для тех, кто хочет что-нибудь просканировать у себя дома или просто подобрать наилучший канал для работы домашнего роутера.

Common WiFi Performance Issues

Even though the performance of the average WiFi network has improved significantly during the last decade, there are still many WiFi performance issues that plague users every single day:

  • Slow connection: There are many factors that can cause WiFi to be slow, including limited bandwidth, poor coverage, insufficient speed provided by the ISP, or signal interference caused by nearby appliances and Bluetooth devices. To fix issues with a slow WiFi connection, you should first determine whether you’re receiving a sufficiently strong signal from your router. You can easily do that with the help of a wireless network analyzer app. The best WiFi analyzer apps can even create a signal heatmap, clearly visualizing where the signal is sufficiently strong, and where it leaves something to be desired.
  • No internet connection: Whenever your WiFi connection stops working, you should first check if your WiFi router is operating as it should. If you see an LED indicator light flashing, telling you that the router itself can’t connect to the internet, then your ISP might be to blame. But if the router is working fine and your ISP isn’t experiencing an outage, then you need to fix the problem yourself. First, restart the router and wait a few minutes to see if this solves the problem. If it doesn’t, establish a wired connection and see if you can connect to the internet that way. If you can, log in to the admin interface and check your WiFi settings.
  • Unreliable performance: Does your WiFi connection often go from flawless to aggravating? Then you should know that you’re not the only one who’s experiencing issues with unreliable WiFi performance. Such issues are common because they are caused by a number of different factors, including co-channel interference, network overload, and spotty coverage. Many of these issues can be fixed by purchasing a new router, one that supports 2.4 and 5 GHz bands and technologies like MU-MIMO and beamforming. Other issues that can cause unreliable performance require careful troubleshooting using a wireless network analyzer.
  • Signal weak spots: Ideally, you want to see full WiFi signal strength bars on your laptop and mobile devices regardless of if you’re standing right next to your router or in the room that’s farthest away from it. Modern mesh WiFi systems make this possible, but you need to know how to use a WiFi analyzer to determine the optimum location of each node.
  • WiFi speeds lagging behind wired internet: If you can achieve the maximum download and upload speeds advertised by your internet service provider when connected to your router using an Ethernet cable but struggle to achieve the same speeds when connected over WiFi, you most likely need to either improve your WiFi coverage or purchase a more capable router that supports the latest wireless networking standards, such as Wi-Fi 6.
  • Insufficient bandwidth for multiple users: Not all WiFi networks can support multiple simultaneous users streaming online content, playing video games, or downloading large files from the web at the same time. For starters, you need a sufficiently capable router with enough processing power to serve multiple clients at the same time. The router should support Quality of Service to ensure that one person downloading a movie won’t make it impossible for everyone else to browse the web and send email messages. Technologies like MU-MIMO and beamforming can further enhance everyone’s experience.

11) WiFi Commander

WiFi Commander is designed specifically with Windows 10 in mind, so if you are using that as your primary operating system, then you might find that this app has everything you need in it.

It provides a 3D analysis of channel distributions, allows you to scan for any networks, provides real-time monitoring, and so on.

This program is incredibly well-rounded, and it doesn’t have any ads in it, which is something that most users can appreciate. Instead, you will be able to focus on getting the most out of your WiFi. 

The most impressive characteristic of this app is its polished and 3D graphical interface which offers great user experience. Other than that, it includes all important scanning and analysis features of the other apps in our list here.

You can download the app from the Windows store which costs $4.99.

Другие популярные программы

А в этом разделе хочу просто показать очень популярные программы на рынке, которыми пользуется большинство для анализа беспроводных сетей. Многие из них бесплатны, с остальными можно просто познакомиться. Но функционал между собой отличается у всех не так уж и много.

Acrylic WiFi Home


Бесплатная версия другого крупного коммерческого продукта. На картинке уже видно, что для сканирования подходит идеально. Фарш полный:

  • Все актуальные стандарты вплоть до 802.11n11ac
  • Поддержка двух диапазонов 2,4 ГГц и 5 ГГц
  • Красивые графики мощностей с выносом по каналам – можно посмотреть, где меньше всего нагрузка, и подключиться на него.
  • Единственное, почему я воткнул ее на первое место, это то, что она еще умеет делать очень базовое тестирование сетей на безопасность – пытается подобрать очевидные пароли Wi-Fi и ключи WPS производителя.

Все остальное будет лишним. Работает и можно применять!


Еще одно популярное средство для изучения окружающих точек доступа. Многие видео в своих обучения поиска каналов используют как раз его. По-моему, на текущий момент это самый популярный сканер.


Простая и удобная. Отдельная вкладка с минимумом информации для просмотра доступных сетей. А по соседству вкладка с графиком видимых сетей, которая позволяет сканировать каналы. Портативная. Есть и для Windows, и для MacOS.

Ekahau HeatMapper

Размещаю в качестве дополнения. Это не классический сканер, но позволяет делать тепловые карты зон покрытия в помещении в зависимости от уровня сигнала.


NetSpot — это больше, чем просто приложение для анализа WiFi. Используя это приложение, вы можете провести опрос вашего дома или офиса, чтобы понять, какие точки получают слабое соединение WiFi. Это инструмент профессионального уровня, разработанный для удовлетворения потребностей большого офиса или вашего дома. Он имеет бесплатную версию, которая позволяет только сканировать окружающие сети и показывает силу каждой сети. Для проведения обследования вашего дома или офисного помещения вам необходимо составить про планы. Планы Pro позволяют вам загрузить проект вашего здания, а затем сопоставить соединение WiFi с областями, предварительно определенными вами.

Он использует цветовое кодирование, чтобы показать, какие области получают уровень сигнала. Например, синие и фиолетовые области показывают более низкий уровень силы соединения WiFi. Как упоминалось ранее, это программное обеспечение не предназначено для использования в личных целях, если только у вас нет большого дома, которому требуется картографирование WiFi. Эта модель лучше всего подходит для предприятий, которым необходимо расширить возможности подключения к WiFi во всем офисе.

Установка: Windows, macOS (бесплатно, $ 49, $ 149, $ 499)

Вай фай анализер – чудо программа

Потратив всего несколько секунд своего времени, пользователь с легкостью сможет получить всю существующую информацию про наполненность сети и качество получаемого сигнала.

После произведения проверки, пользователю будут доступны две вкладки. На первой находятся данные о качестве подачи wifi канала.

Это окно поможет с легкостью определиться, к какой из них присоединиться будет целесообразнее всего.

Вторая вкладка представляет информацию и каждом канале индивидуально. С ее помощью вы получите информацию о том, на сколько, загружен интересующий вас вариант.

Обе страницы поданы в виде таблицы. Все сети обозначены разными цветами.

Слева от нее написаны все найденные варианты для подключения.

В правом верхнем углу расположена иконка настроек программы.

2) Acrylic Wi-Fi Home Scanner

The Acrylic scanner is designed to be used at home, rather than at businesses or other areas, and is free for Windows 10. Note however that there is also a Professional version (paid) which is for larger scale projects.

Not only will it scan WiFi, but it will also be able to visualize channels for you in both 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz.

This means that you can easily scan your 802.11AC dual band network which is the most-used protocol in wifi right now. Moreover, it even supports 802.11AX which is the newest WiFi 6 standard that will dominate the technology in the future.

It can show you the signal strength of the WiFi network through graphs and the free version is completely compatible with Windows 10. This program will also show you all available wireless devices that are around you, such as smartphones, laptops, routers etc.

5) Vistumbler

Vistumber, unlike some other WiFi scanners, is a relatively old and mature program. Of course, it is still updated regularly (the latest version supports also Windows 10), so you won’t have to worry about this.

This program was written in AutoIT for windows, and it is designed to map out the access points around you based on wireless and GPS data, visualizing it onto a map for your convenience.

While this might be more helpful for people who need to find access points rather than troubleshoot their WiFi connections, there is no denying that it can be an incredibly useful program for many people, plus it is completely free.

9) inSSIDer

As the clever name of this product might suggest, this program gives you visibility in your surrounding WiFi environment.

You will be able to learn information about the network you are connected to, choose the right channel for your needs, and even monitor user traffic data.

This program is updated regularly, so you won’t have to worry too much about anything going wrong because of an out-of-date issue, which is something that many people can appreciate.

The tool is mostly useful in SMB (Small to Medium Business) networks and many professionals that install and sell wifi products and services have found this tool very helpful in their job.

Note that there is a small subscription price to use this tool.

The best wifi analyzers for Linux

1. Kismet

Kismet is a WiFi analyzer or network analyzer designed to work with IEEEE802.11 WiFi cards. Kismet is often used by Linux users but can also be used on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Mac OS as well. This tool is widely used because it offers support for a range of protocols including Bluetooth and RTL433.

The Kismet 2018 version is offering a number of features that enhance the basic functionality of the platform. Now when working with a large team you can conduct real-time live streaming of captures to share information with other colleagues on network activity. If you wish to customize your experience then you can make use of external tool APIs to add additional features.

Kismet has a number of plugins available to expand on the basic product including Kestrel, IoD – Screwdriver, and Elkentaro’s Simplified Mobile Dashboard and ElKentaro’s Simplified Mobile Dashboard.

Key Features:

  • Detects Bluetooth as well as WiFi
  • Expandable with plugins
  • Customizable
  • Free to use

Kismet can be downloaded for free.

2. wavemon

wavemon is a free open source WiFi analyzing tool that allows users to monitor network devices on Linux. To use wavemon, you’ll need to enable wireless extensions. When using a kernel setup with CONFIG_CFG80211 you need to make sure that the CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT package is activated. You will also want to make sure that you have the pkg-config package.

Once you’ve done this the user experience is quite straightforward. wavemon uses autoconf so that you can make your way through the setup process promptly.

Key Features:

  • Open source and customizable
  • Easy to install
  • Free to use

The program is kept updated on Github so that you can add updates regularly. wavemon is available as source code from GitHub via this link here.

3. Sparrow-WiFi Analyzer

Sparrow-WiFi Analyzer is a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi and Bluetooth analyzer for Linux. The sparrow-wifi platform has been positioned as a more GUI-friendly replacement for other tools like inSSIDer and linssid. When using this WiFi analyzer you can conduct WiFi SSID identification and track WiFi sources.

The installation process for sparrow-wifi is very simple. On Debian, you will need qtchart and on Ubuntu and Linux you will need to enter a couple of commands to get running:

There is also the ability to use GPS to track SSID’s and Bluetooth devices. sparrow-wifi enables you to create Google maps that log these for you. If you need to further analyze your WiFi results then you can also import and export data to CSV and JSON. If you’d like to download sparrow-wifi then you can do so from this link here.

The best WiFi analyzers for MacOS

1. NetSpot

When it comes to WiFi analyzer apps for Mac, Netspot is one of the best offerings on the market. Netspot offers a detailed heat map that allows the user to identify signal strength in their surrounding location. The app collects data on everything from channel width, to MAC address, signal quality, and network encryption to provide more transparency over your local network.

Unlike many other analyzers, NetSpot allows you to assess WLAN interference as well. What really sets this app apart from the crowd is the depth of its reports, ease of use, and network information. The program color codes areas of signal strength, with weak signals being highlighted by purple or blue.

Key Features:

  • Detects interference
  • WiFi footprint on an office layout
  • Signal channel analysis
  • Free version

The scalability of the heat map renders NetSpot ideal for both home and office users. The home version is available for $49 (£35.26) and the professional version for $149 (£107.21). However, the app provides another version where users can scan for local networks and view signal strength data for free.

2. WiFi Explorer

As one of the best mid-level tools on this list, WiFi Explorer is a solid alternative for beginners and experienced users alike. When a user launches WiFi Explorer they can start to locate local wireless networks immediately. Once this occurs, the user can flick through the networks identified via the use of the on-screen tabs.

Users can look through everything: network details, signal strength, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channels. The signal strength tab is WiFi Explorer’s version of the heatmaps seen in other apps like SolarWinds.

You can simply set the app to measure signal strength data and it will produce a graph as you walk around your building. The only drawback is that you won’t be able to detect hidden networks. This is because Apple doesn’t provide the necessary data to detect hidden wireless networks.

It’s worth mentioning that the app also provides a range of information to assist more experienced users looking for advanced functionality. You can identify information such as the SSID, BSSID, signal-to-noise ratio, and signal quality after you’ve identified another network. Whether you’re looking to break down your network performance or locate a more efficient channel, WiFi Explorer has you covered.

Key Features:

  • Displays signal strength
  • Covers 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channels
  • Identifies signal origin

3. WiFi Scanner

AccessAgility’s WiFi Scanner is one of the best-kept secrets when it comes to WiFi analyzers. This competitively priced tool retails at $14.99 (£10.79) allows users to analyze their networks download and upload speeds with simplicity. This makes it ideal for home users who don’t have a large budget.

The app breaks down access points in the surrounding area and provides information such as BSSID and MAC addresses. Unlike many other tools on this list, WiFi Scanner also enables the user to detect unauthorized devices on the network through the use of an IP scanner. This makes it a great tool for overall network transparency.

4. iStumbler for Mac

Rather than opting for a visual display, iStumbler scans for WiFi networks and puts them into a list. This list is updated in real-time so you can click on any networks you see and view more detailed information like dBm values.

You’ll be able to see how much signal there is available, as well as any noise on a given channel. It’s worth mentioning that you can also break down Bluetooth, Bonjour, and locations connections beyond your WiFi signal.

Unfortunately, the free version bombards the user with endless pop-ups encouraging them to upgrade. However, this can be avoided if you choose to upgrade to the $20 (£14.39) version. The depth of the signal data and the ease of use of the platform make this a good choice for users who are new to the world of WiFi analyzers.

5. KisMAC2

KisMAC 2 is a formidable and technical open-source WiFi analyzer that supports a wide array of WiFi analytics functions. Like other programs, all you need to do to start scanning your network is press start. You’ll then be able to break down your network signal strength, though KisMAC’s capabilities go far beyond that.

You can also analyze USB Wifi adapters, Kismets servers, and drones. In terms of more advanced features, KisMAC2 helps the user break down SSIDs whether they’re open, hidden, or closed. Likewise, the platform supports Apple Airport Extreme, which helps to extend your network transparency even further.

The only limitation is that KisMAC is aimed at professional users and it can be very difficult for newer users to navigate.

4) NetSpot

Like many other network analyzers, NetSpot offers the same type of analytics involving signal strength and coverage, where you can move around to get a signal map, and so on.

However, it offers a little bit more than just that. NetSpot advertises itself as a professional app for wireless site surveys, meaning that it could very well be used in business environments in addition to SOHO.

While it is completely compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10, it can also be used on Mac, which can be helpful if your laptop happens to be a Macbook instead of a traditional Windows computer.

One feature I like about NetSpot is that you can also test the WiFi speed that can be achieved in every spot of your network area. This is possible with NetSpot’s Active Scanning feature.

There is a free and paid version of this tool. Even the free version offers so many features that will be very useful for most users.  

WiFi Glossary

  • dBm – dBm stands for decibel-milliwatts. dBm is the measurement used to measure the strength of a WiFi signal.
  • IP Address – A unique number punctuated with full stops used to identify a computer communicating via a WiFi network.
  • MAC Address (Media Access Control Address) – A unique identifier used to refer to a network adapter over a network.
  • RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) – A measurement used to identify the strength of a radio signal.
  • Signal to Noise Ratio – The ratio of an electrical signal’s strength compared to outside interference.
  • SSID (Service Set Identifier) – The technical name for a WiFi network name.
  • Vendor – A wireless network provider.
  • WiFi Channels – A WiFi channel is where WiFi networks exchange data (Channels 6 and 11 are where most routers exchange data).
  • Wireless Access Point (WAP) – A hardware device or configured node on a local area network that allows wireless devices to connect through WiFi and Bluetooth connections.
  • WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) – A network that allows devices to connect, interact and communicate with each other wirelessly.

How to Perform WiFi Analysis Using a WiFi Analyzer App?

WiFi analysis may sound very technical and daunting, but it’s anything but that — as long as you use a simple yet capable WiFi analyzer app like NetSpot. In addition to NetSpot, you’ll also need a laptop with a WiFi card so you can detect nearby WiFi networks.

With NetSpot, you can choose between two distinct WiFi analysis methods. The first method, called Discover Mode, is all about quick and easy WiFi network discovery, instantly listing all WiFi networks available in your area, along with all important information about them, including network name, band and channel, security settings, WiFi standard, signal strength, and noise level.

The second WiFi analysis mode is called Survey Mode, and it allows you to perform a WiFi site survey and create a WiFi heatmap so you can see exactly where your WiFi signal is strong and where it could use some improvement.

By combining these two WiFi analysis methods, you can get a very accurate idea about the performance of your WiFi network and understand exactly what you need to do to improve it. For example, it takes just one click to see which WiFi channels nearby WiFi networks broadcast on, which makes it straightforward to solve channel interference issues.

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