Pencil2d project ideas


  • #1223 Refactor selection logic (by CandyFace)
  • #1226 Constrained rotation (by Scribblemaniac)
  • #1235 Improve numbered image import
  • #1241 Make spinbox bigger (by Chris Ju)
  • #1244 Fill non-alpha (opaque) pixels
  • #1249 Autosave & Grid preference settings adjustment (by Jose D. Moreno)
  • #1257 Always show timeline scrub while playing animation
  • #1262 More consistent palette import behavior
  • #1264 Swatches can be set to fit in widget using a slider
  • #1267 Painting Behavior Improvements
  • #1268 Flood Fill Optimization, Smudge Tool improvement, Selection Reset for file creation & loading.
  • #1276 Save and Load shortcut list
  • #1281 Fixing recent file menu issue (by Arkadiusz Żukiewicz)
  • #1283 Drag & drop ot reorder palette swatches
  • #1284 Remove brush toggle buttons for AA and feathering (by Nick Betsworth)
  • #1285 Import drawings on wanted position
  • #1290 Compiler warning fixes (by Nick Betsworth)
  • #1297 Added possibilities for import positions
  • #1311 Apply more saturated color scheme to layers and highlight more distinct
  • #1317 Improve resizing of all panels
  • #1324 Increase visibility of active layer keyframes
  • #1328 Auto select the new layer after creation
  • #1340 Sync fps changes to perferences
  • #1347 Install support for other Unixes
  • #1351 Open Pencil2D’s temporary directory from the menu
  • #1354, #1359 More unit tests (by mc-csharpclass)
  • #1364, #1368 vector eyedroppertool fix & improvements (by mc-csharpclass)
  • #1395 New palette colors added last and renamed immediately
  • #1399 Add Endonyms for the language list
  • 939abcd Show endonym (the name of the language in its own language) in Preferences

Stop Motion Studio — Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $59.99 to download the software onto your PC.

Compatibility: Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS

Pro: You can use a built-in sound to make your animation unique. You can also record voice and use it in the video.

Con: You can only use it to make 2D stop motion animation.

Want to create fun, 2D animated videos? Hoping to impress your bosses with a 2D animated presentation to highlight a product’s features?

Using Stop Motion Studio will help you achieve all that you want in the world of 2D animation.

You can capture content with ease, whether you change up the focus, exposure, or white balance. There is DSLR support, so you can use your high-end camera in conjunction with this professional software.

And with a unique, frame-by-frame editor, you will be able to get the result that you want for your 2D stop animation movie.


  • Onionskin allows you to view previous frames through a transparent overlay, which helps you create your next frame
  • Comes with Chroma key and audio recording to better narrate and add voice effects to your videos
  • Easy one-click uploading to YouTube and Facebook
  • DSLR camera support for creating perfect 1080p recordings

Additional Troubleshooting

If you run into additional problems, like missing MSVCP140.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll, QT5Widgets.dll, api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll, etc

Please visit our troubleshooting quick guide section in the downloads page for Pencil2D:

Check your Antivirus Rules

If you have an antivirus software with real-time protection enabled (e.g Kaspersky, Avira, Panda, AVG, etc) to avoid being blocked by real-time scanners you should consider checking the antivirus settings and create an rules exception for both:

  1. The Pencil2D application folder (where you extracting the files in)
  2. We recommend to create a general Pencil2D projects folder to save all your future animation files.

Please refer to your antivirus manual or online reference knowledge base for additional information on how to create these rules.

For a Windows Defender specific procedure please take a look at this guide:

UAC Permissions Handling

It is possible that the UAC (User Account Control) permission levels are set very high and is not allowing any kind of program or DLL file to be executed on your system (this can effect movie exports too).

Here’s a guide to disable it or at least consider lowering the rating (if you are not the system administrator you’d have to ask them to help or get the password for your computer workstation in order to do this)

Run as Administrator

Make sure you are running windows OS as an administrator whenever possible. Otherwise Windows users are allowed to configure individual apps to run with administrator rights.

Consider setting the application file (the one with a pencil icon ) to run as administrator in the file properties.

If you are not the admin, ask your parents or third party system administrator for the password and then set the program application file itself () to run as an admin by following this guide:

Enable Developer Mode

Sometimes installing software in the default mode (Sideload Apps) can still prompt issues so try following this guide to enable developer mode on your Windows 10 OS (it works for all editions of Windows 10 including Home)

Final words

If you’ve been having issues in 2019 and beyond while using Windows10 specifically experiencing your files disappearing or getting corrupted after saving the project file (.pclx) correctly (can’t open them; get error) please follow this guide to a T.

Afterwards please download the following nightly builds which contain a recently issued fix that partially addresses this problem.

While we’ll keep working on this and eventually correct these issues, note that these are development versions of the software. While they are run in the same way, and don’t have any extra requirement to be used, they may be more unstable than the official release on our download website.

Please don’t start your homework or next grand masterpiece with these dev builds, but do test these versions, and let us know if during testing these builds improve your experience when running into the aforementioned problems:

Win (64bits) Win (32bits)

Look carefully at the timestamsp!

Pencil 2D — Cross-Platform Software with Intuitive Interface

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers English, Spanish, and Portuguese language tutorials to use.

Con: It doesn’t support the shapes tool. If you like to make shapes and draw something, you’d be disappointed.

Want an open-source and free 2D animation design software to help you create videos? Pencil2D animation is the type of program that can help beginners.

You can get to grips with how 2D animation works, and you can create some very fun and interesting videos along the way.


  • Minimalist design to let you make animation easily
  • Raster and vector workflow switching
  • Cross-platform compatibility to free download

Preview Widget

Difficulty: Easy

Project Core Objective: Add a window which displays a preview of the canvas


Often when a user is painting, especially with a detailed scene, they are zoomed
into a small area. To show the user how their small changes are affecting the
appearance of the whole canvas, we would like to add an external “Preview”
window. This will make Pencil2D easier to use for many of our users. This window
should show the canvas zoomed out to fit, but should not be editable like the
main canvas.

This could be implemented as a QDialog, or perhaps even better as
as QDockWidget, so it can be in it’s own window, or attached to the side of the
main window.

  • Proposal Tag:
  • Skills required: C++, Qt
  • Mentor: Matt Chang (chchwy)
  • Backup Mentor: Connor Deptuck (scribblemaniac)

ТОП-15 лучших программ для анимации

Программы для создания анимации превращают бездушное изображение или набор картинок в связную историю. Это благотворно сказывается на вовлечении аудитории. Ведь, если честно, мультики любят все, и дети и взрослые. Но чтобы освоить профессиональный софт уровня AfterEffects или Maya, понадобится талант художника и 10 лет обучения.

Не спешите отчаиваться! Мы в этой игре больше 10 лет и точно знаем, чтобы “собрать недорогой короткий ролик”, “анимировать баннер или кнопку”, не обязательно посвящать анимации полжизни. Достаточно выбрать подходящий софт. А может, вы даже откроете в себе талант серьезного моушн-дизайнера?

Итак, несложные коммерческие или личные задачи по анимации решаются с помощью:

Софт Русский язык Лицензия Стоимость
Stop Motion Studio Нет Пробная От 125 руб.
Cartoon Animator 4 Нет Пробная От 6300 руб.
Moho Anime Studio Debut Нет Пробная От 6300 руб.
DigiCel FlipBook Нет Пробная От 1300 руб.
Toon Boom Harmony Да Пробная От 2800 руб.
Adobe Animate Да Пробная От 1350 руб.
Blender Нет Бесплатная Бесплатная
Pencil2D Нет Бесплатная Бесплатная
Wideo Нет Пробная От 1300 руб.
Easy GIF animator Да Пробная От 1800 руб.
Synfig Studio Да Бесплатная Бесплатная
Animaker Да Пробная От 1300 руб.
Explaindio Да Пробная От 2300 руб.
Pivot Stickfigure Animator Да Бесплатная Бесплатная
CrazyTalk Да Пробная От 3800 руб.

Обзор Pencil 2D animation

Pencil 2D animation – это бесплатное программное обеспеченье, предназначенное для работы с рисованной анимацией. Программа без проблем запускается на разных платформах – MS Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Однако она больше подойдёт для любителей и новичков, которые только осваивают азы 2D-анимации.

Инструменты для рисования

Все инструменты для рисования расположены в левой панели инструментов. Вы можете рисовать линии, замкнутые фигуры, делать заливку, настройки фигур. Также в программе предусмотрены инструменты размытия, ластик и инструмент выделения определённой области.

Правая панели инструментов располагает настройками цветов и прозрачности. К сожалению, нормальный градиент в этой программе сделать не получится, так как нет нужного функционала.

В программе даже имеются слои, правда, функций, связанных с их работой очень мало, и они в основном требуются для создания анимации. Однако при помощи слоёв вам будет легко работать с проектами, где имеется много элементов.

Программа поддерживает работу с графическими планшетами.

Импорт файлов

В свою композицию вы можете добавлять видео, гифки, звук и другие изображения. Последние можно редактировать в основной рабочей области. Но не стоит забывать, что программа предназначена в первую очередь для работы с векторной графикой, поэтому с растровым изображением можно делать только самые примитивные манипуляции, например, увеличить/уменьшить его размер и т.д.

Что касается импортированных звуков и видео, то тут тоже не слишком много доступных функций. Вы можете обрезать видео/звуковую дорожку, отрегулировать звук, переместить её в композиции и на этом всё. Все манипуляции с видео/звуковом производятся в нижней панели с таймлайном.

Работа с анимацией

В данном случае можно анимировать отдельные слои, где может быть один или несколько объектов. Вся работа будет производиться в графе таймлайна, что расположена в нижней части рабочей области.

Анимация создаётся при помощи создания точек на временной шкале. Для каждого слоя временная шкала отдельная, благодаря чему можно анимировать практически любой элемент композиции.

К сожалению, у временных точек не так много настроек, поэтому создать профессиональную анимацию вряд ли получится. Также в верхней части панели таймлайна есть инструменты добавления новых слоёв, временных точек, управления видео и звуком, а также графа настройки FPS.

Экспорт готовых работ

Примечательно, что программа не имеет собственного расширения для рабочих файлов, что сильно неудобно, когда речь идёт о больших проектах, так как нет возможности продолжить работу с того места, где её закончили.

К счастью, с сохранением готовых работ всё нормально. Вы можете сохранить их в виде слайдов из PNG-изображений (актуально для очень небольших проектов), либо экспортировать в GIF, Flash или формат QuickTime. Последнее актуально только для пользователей Mac OS, либо тех, кто установил на компьютер специальное приложение от Apple.

Как итог, программа ещё нуждается в доработке, но при этом отлично подойдёт для новичков, либо тех, кто занимается анимацией не профессионально. У программы есть несколько форумов поддержки, а также обучающие YouTube-каналы (в том числе и на русском языке). Однако проект в данное время практически заброшен.

Known Issues

  • Color Palette (Bitmap): First Swatch is unchangeable. Can’t use replace command. Use the other swatches to create your own colors or change it by editing the palette in a vector layer or via XML.
  • Color Palette (Bitmap): Swatches will only update using the Replace command when having a vector layer active. (Note: Create your custom palettes with a vector layer selected)
  • Selection Tool: Pressing / / , or changing application focus in your OS while having a selection active will ERASE the selection contents and in some rare instances will crash Pencil2D.
  • Selection Tool (Rotation): Using the SELECT ALL command () and rotating a selection, will store the rotation transformation, if you press again and click with the MOVE TOOL on the selection, it will apply the stored value and rotate the selection again. Despite possible use cases this is a bug.
  • Undo: Undoing a drawing modification made on an empty frame creates a keyframe on that frame.
  • Undo: Undoing moving a keyframe to a new frame will create a blank keyframe on the place where it used to be.
  • Undo, Smudge Tool (Bitmap): You cannot UNDO the smudge tool at the moment.
  • Blur Tool (Bitmap): Pressing with smudge tool doesn’t work, do not use it. Use other drawing apps for smudge effects.
  • Fill Tool (Vector): Filling a stroke requires the stroke to be selected.
  • Fill Tool (Vector): “stroke thickness” option will reset pressure sensitive lines width.

Understanding Pencil2D Save files *.PCL (Legacy) & *.PCLX

When you save your animation file in Pencil2D there are several things that you’ll get.

  1. Pencil2D saves a .PCL file that is exclusive to the software. It is not an image or a video file, that means it does not hold inside any of image or sound you imported or created. It’s more like an address book, which locates all those resources you’ve created or imported!

  2. A New folder is automatically created in the same location next to your .PCL file. It’s name should be like something like this . This folder contains all of your actual drawn keyframes saved as numbered .PNG images! as well as Your current colour palette info plus your “vector shapes” information are included there as .xml and .vec files respectively. If you import sound for example (see partial solution below), you’ll also see a copy of the actual sound file in this folder. All of the resources in the folder are absolutely necessary for Pencil2D to understand how your animation is going to be displayed when you preview it inside the program.

  3. The .PCLX file from 0.6+ on the other hand is basically a container. It’s a compressed ZIP file that holds both the .PCL file and it’s associated DATA folder. You can extract it effortlessly by common zip tools like Winrar or 7zip if you rename the .PCLX extention to .ZIP (e.g -> )

Some of the original FAQ solutions were contributed by user Piggy, chchwy, Jeetman and morr.

How can I help?

In case you missed our announcement on social media, now you can upload your Pencil2D project here to help Pencil2D development.

With a project library, our dev team will be able to test new features and detect bugs more effectively. We are still looking for more projects from our users so please consider sharing them with us if you have any. The projects are invaluable to us even if you just share them privately.

To those who have already shared your work with us, we are very grateful for your help. Some of the fixes in this very release would not have been possible without you.

Pencil2D is developed by passionate volunteers in their spare time. You can become one too, there are many ways to help other than programming! Please visit Contribute Page for further information.

What are the Best 2D Animation Software for 2020?

Synfig. Also known as the game changer software of the animation industry, is an open-source 2D vector graphics and timeline-based software, operated on Linux, Mac OS X, windows.
Opentoonz. As the name suggests, the software is based on toonz and can be modified freely. The major benefit the software has provided is that it can be used commercially and non-commercially.
Pencil 2D. The pencil 2D is again an open-source, simple 2D animation drawing and painting application. It’s basically a lightweight and easy to use software and has its complete focus on animation.
Toon Boom Harmony. The toon boom harmony software is a world-wide recognized software for efficiency and creativity and is also known as an industry-leading production animation software.

Seen 188 times


  • #1269 Fix a critical partial file wipe issue after moving keyframes (by Scribblemaniac)
  • #1186 Quick Sizing is enabled on Paint Bucket Tool, but does nothing on a bitmap layer
  • #1240 Fix translation bugs. Fix a warning (by Chris Ju)
  • #1251 Fix onion skin rendering and behavior i.e Onion skin works on backgrounds
  • #1253 Fix all spin boxes maintaining focus after returning
  • #1274 Feather range to 1-99
  • #1313 Restore autosave settings
  • #1315 Ignores empty path in save dialog
  • #1318 Fix MinGW windows compiling issues
  • #1326 Fix playback audio sync issues
  • #1335 Fix suffix being added even though one exists
  • #1339 Fix Onion Skin Prev/Next Button Behavior
  • #1341 Fix #1033 Broken sound playback in AppImages
  • #1345 Vertical scrollbar updates properly
  • #1346 Updating UI correctly during transformation
  • #1388 Fix more crashes if no previous frame in a layer
  • f9e5e5a Various localisation issues
  • b9ba20e Fix shortcut popup behind main window
  • b1e6171 Selection rotatie behave naturally, fixes rotation adding up after clicking with Move tool
  • e4f722a Fix Counterclockwise rotation shortcut

Moho (Anime Studio) Pro

Преимущества: его регулярно обновляют с расширенными и новейшими функциями для использования.

Против : не удобно для начинающих, так как функции немного продвинуты.

Anime Studio Pro — фантастический вариант для тех, кто хочет заняться созданием профессиональной 2D-анимации. Он доступен и разработан для анимации в стиле Flash. Хотя вы не можете создавать покадровую анимацию с помощью этой программы, тем не менее вы сможете создать несколько фантастических видеороликов.

Существует Anime Studio Debut — простая анимационная программа, предназначенная для начинающих пользователей и бесплатная загрузка. Но если вам нужны все возможности высококлассного программного обеспечения для 2D-анимации, вам стоит выбрать Pro версию.


  • Улучшенные инструменты рисования от руки
  • Beizer позволяет вам создавать видео так, как вам нужно.
  • Функция интеллектуального деформирования помогает создавать собственные сетки для изгибания и скручивания анимации.
  • Реалистичное размытие движения
  • Анимация для нескольких слоев одновременно

Known issues & Gotchas

Here is a non-exhaustive list of bugs that we are already aware of, but were unable to fix in this release. Rest assured, we will do our best to fix all of them eventually.

  • Vector Engine is a WIP and does not work as intended. Much more work will be required, please avoid using it for production.
  • Zooming out the camera layer to less than 25% will increase the chance of crashing.
  • There’s currently a rare issue where drawing on an empty frame exposure, with the default timeline drawing behavior, and undoing the stroke will corrupt the image rendering and you will not see the next strokes you draw. To workarund this simply pan the canvas or hide/show the layer.
  • #748, #1004, #1098 Misc undo/redo issues. New Undo / Redo system under development will be reviewed for v0.7.0
  • #1117 The CLI (Command-Line Interface) export operation consumes more memory than using the editor
  • #1133 Lag and buggy strokes with Huion tablets. Workaround: disabling the “linear optimizer” in your tablet driver may help if that option is available, see this post
  • #1567,#1179 We’ve found that during playback users will have issues with perceived audio delay depending on the amount of frames and layers used. However sound scrubbing & movie export will properly render the audio.
  • #1189 Zoom shortcut on drawing tools not working properly with the Middle Mouse Button (Win) and mouse input in general (All Operating Systems)
  • #943 Color Palette (Bitmap): Some issues when replacing the first swatch remain. Only thumbnail changes color, but the actual color doesn’t. It is recommended you make a new item rather than changing it.
  • #1055 Color Palette (Bitmap): Swatches will not update using the Replace command. It only works when having a vector layer active. (Note: Create your custom palettes with a vector layer selected or import them from GIMP or Krita using *.gpl files)

  • Smudge Tool (Bitmap): Smudging adds a white background to the stroke dab, this may cause unexpected results so use it with caution.
  • Blur Tool (Bitmap): Pressing ALT on the smudge tool does not blur the image, it keeps smudging the pixels.
  • Fill Tool (Vector): Filling a stroke requires the stroke to be selected.
  • Fill Tool (Vector): “Stroke thickness” option will reset pressure sensitive lines width.

Windows & MacOS Permissions Issues

Begining 2019 we started to have many reports about crashes and corrupted files (something we had managed to minimize with previous patches), after many months of investigation and support tickets, we narrowed down the root cause of these problems. It was the Operating Systems themselves.

Windows 10 and macOS Mojave, and later Catalina have been on a crusade to enhance their security protocols. While this is not a bad thing to do, when most software vendors require thorough scrutiny of all files to even let the end user system work, this quickly becomes a breeding ground for chaos.

Attempting to spare you from the technical details, put quite simply, Pencil2D was forced into this security mayhem and to be honest we still haven’t found a suitable solution that can be bundled with the software.

With the recent Windows OS signed certification and macOS notarization buffs, we’ve found ourselves fighting for survival, so to speak.

To ease our affected users experience we have made and found a set of guides on how to deal with permissions & security lock-in for our software.


  • (How to bypass signing and notarization)

Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator — Professional 2D Animation/Cartoon Software for Designers

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can always find the feature you like for beginners and professionals. You can control characters even in expression levels.

Con: It integrates with PhotoShop to import and export video.

CrazyTalk is a 2D animation maker for professional users, so you can use this one if you don’t know which one to use. It supports controlling characters with your expression and lip-syncing. It is popular among YouTubers, educators and marketers.


  • Capture real-time facial expression with precise changing
  • Black magic to turn the image to a moving cartoon
  • For advanced users, you can make 2D visual effects

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

You may also like: Best Free Animated Logo Makers >>

New Features

  • #1068 Added support for TIFF format (by Andrey Nevdokimof).
  • #1074, #1121 Added a slider for changing frame size at timeline (by David Lamhauge).
  • #1109 Import images as new layers on specific frames based on filename and numbering postfix e.g., Joe0001.png’, ‘Joe0002.png’, etc (by David Lamhauge).
  • #1115 Added support for transparency in exporting WebM and APNG.
  • #1126 Check for Pencil2D updates. (+ Added forum/discord links in Help menu.)
  • #1136 Added an option to export key frames only when exporting image sequence.
  • #1145 Added zoom shortcuts from 25% up to 400% as 1, 2, 3, 4 and Shift+2, 3, 4. (by David Lamhauge)


  • 0e041d9 Fix crash when trying to manually scrub while flipping.
  • #940 Fix saving issue with certain locales.
  • 96dca6d Fix some move export issues on Windows.
  • 97f5891, 7a41226, 168bb1f Fix various English typos throughout the program.
  • d3a41d3, fddf846, ef235f0 Fix some subtle display issues.
  • b43b024 Fix a potential program crash when deleting a keyframe while a selection is active (by Oliver Stevns with alternate solution by ryyharris).
  • Fix transformations temporarily applying to all frames during playback.
  • 5aa4d9c Fix the first item in the color palette not changing the bitmap brush color.
  • b293c28 Fix a partial file wipe issue when using Save As to convert pclx files to pcl files.
  • 624b470 Fix the cursor getting stuck with the wrong icon sometimes when deselecting.
  • 673ec0c Fix selection changing size during moving sometimes.
  • 1dc46e6 Fix bucket tool occasionally filling the wrong pixel.
  • c0af82a Fix semi-permanent display bug when right clicking in the middle of a stroke.
  • e33fabb Fix autocropping for frames loaded from a file.
  • a61ec8b Fix general UI & Tooltip typos. (by mapreri)
  • #1015 Fix inverted active layer focus shortcuts (by ryyharris).
  • #1170 Fix incorrect redo text (by ryyharris).
  • #1192 Fix crash for Flipping & Rolling feature when clicking on timeline + General improvements (by davidlamhauge)
  • #1195 Fix update checker on Windows.
  • #1211, c24487d Fix crash on vector layers when drawing on empty frame without existing previous keyframe.

CelAction2D — Low System Requirement for Professional 2D Animation

Price: If you go with the Studio Edition, it costs $1,300 to obtain a single license to use the product for a lifetime. Studio Edition is $1300 for one single license

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It is fast to use with low system requirements.

Con: You can draw animation in itself, so you need to import all words from third party software.

Want to create unique and complex 2D animations for your upcoming projects? CelAction2D is the type of product that is going to help you create wonderful and professional animations.

While getting a full license is a financial commitment, you are getting a product that has all the features that you could need.

You can create a palette using up to 16 million colors, and you will have a very easy time getting to grips with the way the software works.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate users, but still has all the advanced features that a pro would want.


  • Easy and fast to use for professional users
  • Features ergonomic controls
  • Easily handles complex projects with thousands of layers
  • Works with all modern Windows machines — 32 and 64-bit Also work with Macs through Boot Camp
  • The multiplane camera features to let you have more controls

Let’s animate!

Right above the time-line you’ll find these buttons. Here you can Add, Remove and Duplicate key-frames.

Be sure you are on the bitmap layer and on frame 1. Select the pencil tool, and set its width to 4 or 5. Draw a small circle in the middle of the field.

Go to frame 2. Press the Add key-frame button. Draw a small circle a little to the right of the first one.

Go to frame 3. Press the Add key-frame button. Draw a small circle a little to the right of the second one.

Go to frame 1 again. Press the Play icon, and hooray! — you’ve made your first animation.

If you find it cumbersome to press Add key-frame every time you want a new key-frame, you can make your life easier. Go to the menu and pick Preferences. Press the Time-line icon. Where it says “When drawing on an empty frame:” you choose the first option “Create a new key-frame”. Now, every time you go to an empty frame and start drawing, a new key-frame will be created on that frame.

Can’t export videos.

Please make sure you are using the latest version (0.6.4 or later) to export videos. We use FFMPEG for this process.

For users with spanish language localization (and perhaps other languages)

There’s a bug in version predating 0.6.5 which impedes users to export videos when having the interface To fix this you have to explicitly add the filetype to the video name when browsing for an output folder after using the “browse” button.

If you see your file named only as please rename it to (e.g FileType -> MP4, AVI, WebM, etc) and make sure the filetype extension is visible in the file address bar before exporting, otherwise Pencil2D will export an empty file and not a video, as it can convert the animation. This has been fixed in version 0.6.5+

Synfig — Open Source 2D Animation Software for Beginners

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers more than 50 layers to make simple or advanced animation, so you don’t need to worry about its limitation though it is free to use.

Con: Few tutorials are available in the market to start making an animation for beginners.

Synfig Studio is an open-source, free 2D animation software that is the perfect place for beginners to learn about 2D animation. There are two versions available for free download — stable and testing.

The testing version has some experimental features if users want to try those ahead of their introduction into the stable release.


  • Supports multiple layers of content
  • The bone system allows for the creation of cutout animations from bitmap images
  • Has sound support to allow for the addition and syncing of narration and/or music to the video

Sound Scrubbing

Difficulty: Intermediate

Project Core Objective: Improve the timeline to add sound-scrubbing support


Pencil2D recently re-enabled sound layer support which is very important to any
animation really. A common feature in video editing applications is to allow
the playback of sound when moving the timeline cursor. This reduces the time it
takes to align sound with animations and can help a lot with lip syncing, both
of which are things which we aim to support.

In order to implement this, you may have to modify the timeline slightly to
enable higher precision playback, and you will need to modify our sound system
to play automatically when the cursor moves. You will have to figure out exactly
what part of the sound layers should play in response to specific cursor move
events. There also should be some option to enables/disable this feature since
some may find it annoying or not useful.

  • Proposal Tag:
  • Skills required: C++, Qt (useful, but optional for application), Jack Audio or a similar library (not required, and not currently in use, but may be worth investigating to implement alongside this project)
  • Mentor: Matt Chang (chchwy)
  • Backup Mentor: Connor Deptuck (scribblemaniac)

Installing Dependencies

There are a few things that must be installed in order to build Pencil2D. In this section we will go over the installation of each of these components in detail. For Ubuntu we describe both graphical and command-line methods of installation, choose whichever one you feel more comfortable with (and if you don’t know the difference, choose graphical). For Arch Linux we describe only the command-line method since that is what most Arch users are used to.


Pencil2D relies on the Qt application framework so you must install it before you can successfully build the program.


Graphical method
  • Go to the Qt Downloads and download the Qt Online Installer for Linux.
  • Executing this file will start the Qt installer application. If you can’t open it right away, you may have to right click on it and go to Properties, then in the Permissions tab select Allow executing file as program and then try opening it again.
  • Click Next. It will give you the option to log in with your Qt developer account. You can skip this if you don’t have an account and do not want to register.
  • Next specify a location for Qt, put it somewhere you can find it in case you ever need to navigate to the Qt files manually.
  • Next you can select the components you wish to install. At the very least you should have Desktop GCC selected under the latest Qt version. Also make sure Qt Creator under the Tools section is being installed (at the time of writing there is no option to uncheck this, but it’s worth double checking!)
  • Agree to the license and begin the installation. It will take a long time to download all of the files, so be patient. When the installation is complete, press Done and it will launch Qt Creator for you.
Command-line method

Pencil2D must be built with the Qt 5 framework. To install Qt 5, run this command:

sudo apt install qt5-default qt5-qmake libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev libqt5svg5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev

If you want to install Qt Creator (recommended), then also run the following command:

sudo apt install qtcreator

Arch Linux

Pencil uses version 5 of the Qt framework. To install all required components of Qt, run this command:

sudo pacman -S --needed qt5-multimedia qt5-svg qt5-xmlpatterns

For a more pleasant development experience, you might want to install Qt Creator as well (recommended). To do so, run the following command:

sudo pacman -S --needed qtcreator


These are usually installed by default, so you don’t have to worry about them. If however you encounter issues, you can run the following commands.

  • GNU Make and GCC:
    sudo apt install make g++
  • GNU Make and Clang:
    sudo apt install make clang

Arch Linux

On most Arch systems, these are installed early on, but if your system does not have them yet, you can install them by running the following commands.

  • GNU Make and GCC:
    sudo pacman -S --needed make gcc
  • GNU Make and Clang:
    sudo pacman -S --needed make clang

Рекомендации и советы

Графический редактор Pencil2D потребует не слишком много времени на исследование доступных функций.

Частично с адаптацией помогут всплывающие подсказки для новичков и специальное руководство, скрывающееся в разделе «Помощь». А еще облегчат жизнь следующие советы:

  1. Непрозрачность окна. Если перейти в «Настройки» из раздела «Правка» и в верхней части меню «Общие» подвигать ползунок «Непрозрачность», то интерфейс начнет просвечивать те графические элементы (окна программ или браузера), которые находятся за Pencil2D. Трюк хотя и не новый, но все же редко встречается у конкурентов. А ведь так у художников появляется шанс почти молниеносно срисовать материалы с заранее подготовленного исходника и сэкономить время.
  2. Точность позиционирования. Редактор поддерживает стилусы и графические планшеты и разрешает в «Настройках» (раздел «Правка») изменять процент сглаживания, и настраивать позиционирование во время рисования на векторном слое.
  3. Горячие клавиши. Каждый раз обращаться к интерфейсу мышкой во время рисования или при подготовке анимированных сцен – слишком долго. А потому разработчики и предлагают заполнить раскладку из кнопок, разрешающих мгновенно перейти к нужному действию.
    Импорт и экспорт, добавление новых кадров и разворот холста, зеркальное отображение и отмена недавних действий: в «Настройках» подробно перечислены по умолчанию доступные комбинации, а также там предусмотрено возможность добавить собственные.

Help Improve Pencil2D

In case you missed our announcement on social media, now you can upload your Pencil2D project on our website here to help Pencil2D development.

With a project library, our dev team will be able to test new features and detect bugs more effectively. We are still looking for more projects from our users so if you have any projects, please consider sharing them with us.

Even if you just share them privately, these files are invaluable to us. To those who have already shared your work with us, we are very grateful for your help. Some of the fixes in this very release would not have been possible without you.

Pencil2D is developed by passionate volunteers in their spare time. You can become one too, we have many other ways to help! Please visit the Contribute Page for further information.

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